This year's conference will be themed around the issue of “CSR in an Age of Digitization” by exploring the impact of digitization on business and society. However, additional pressing themes of CSR will be discussed at the conference like Circular Economy, Innovative Philanthropy & Impact Investing, Sustainable Development Goals, Aligning the Financial System for Sustainable Development, ICT Solutions for the 21st Century Challenges, and many more.Inaugurated in 2004 as “a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue”, the Humboldt-CSR-Conference series has attained a remarkable degree of international relevance in a short period of time. Its stature is reflected not only in the sustained rise in delegate numbers, but also – most importantly – in the scope and caliber of its participants. Leading academics, executives, policy makers, activists and educators from around the globe now place the biennial CSR-Conference on their agenda.
Today, CSR-Conference Series at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has established itself as the world’s premier international forum for exploring the global themes of CSR in all its manifold dimensions.